Intelligent Rate

Instead of charging a flat rate, Intelligent Rate calculates the service fee to correspond to the cost of accepting the card a consumer chooses. For example, constituents who choose rewards cards will cover the extra cost associated with those rewards. Lower your customer’s transaction fee, while you eliminate yours.


Intelligent Rate

Our product specific to Government and Education.

Card surcharges are based on actual costs. It costs an average of 2–3% to process a credit card payment. To compensate, many government and educational institutions pass on a flat-rate processing fee for card payments, but this approach is problematic because different card types have different processing costs.

Empower Consumers to Save

Consumers with low-cost cards pay a lower fee (as low as 0.75%). Intelligent Rate provides real-time information about savings options. Consumers can reduce their service fee by choosing a lower-cost form of payment, such as a no-frills credit card or a debit card.

Help Your Customers Reduce their Transaction Fees

Different card types cost different transaction fees. For example, cards with extensive rewards cost much more than debit cards. Instead, PayCard Tech automatically prices the transaction fee to the actual cost of the card type.

  • Give your customers real-time information about savings.
  • Help your customers choose a form of payment with lower costs.

Intelligent Rate is available in the following merchant category codes:

If your code is not listed here… Take a look at Zero Cost Credit, (PayCard Tech for Business.)

  • MCC 9311 – Tax
  • MCC 9222 – Fines
  • MCC 9211 – Court Costs
  • MCC 9399 – Misc. Gov. Services
  • MCC 8220 – College Tuition
  • MCC 8244 – Business and Secretarial Schools
  • MCC 8249 – Trade Schools
  • MCC 8211 – Elementary and Secondary Schools